Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2016 RDS USER CAL

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
The acquired CALs are applicable to all editions of Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Essentials, Standard, Foundation, Datacenter) and compatible with previous versions of Microsoft Windows Server.

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To activate an RDS CAL, first make sure that the following roles and features are installed and running on your server.

  1. Make sure the following feature is installed: Remote Desktop Services.
  2. 121/5000 Make sure you have the following features installed: Role Administration Tools -> Remote Desktop Services Tools:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser Tool
    2. Remote Desktop Licensing Tools
  3. Make sure the following role services are enabled: Remote Desktop Services:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing
    2. Remote Desktop Session Host
  4. Make sure your Server is specified as the Remote Desktop license server in your Group Policies.

After you have verified all the requirements described above:

  1. Go to Server Manager
  2. Run the tools submenu
  3. Choose Terminal Services -> Remote Desktop License Manager
  4. Right click on your server and select “Activate server”
  1. Select your connection method, we recommend you choose “Automatic connection”.
  2. Fill in the required information of your company.
  3. At the end of the wizard, be sure to check the “Start license installation wizard now” option.
  4. In the License Program, select “License Package (Retail Purchase) and click Next.
  5. Apply the key.
  6. Your server should now have the activation status as “Activated”.

For a step-by-step guide to setting up your server, check out this video guide:

Watch video tutorial

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.


Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2016 RDS DEVICE CAL

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
The acquired CALs are applicable to all editions of Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Essentials, Standard, Foundation, Datacenter) and compatible with previous versions of Microsoft Windows Server.
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To activate an RDS CAL, first make sure that the following roles and features are installed and running on your server.

  1. Make sure the following feature is installed: Remote Desktop Services.
  2. 121/5000 Make sure you have the following features installed: Role Administration Tools -> Remote Desktop Services Tools:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser Tool
    2. Remote Desktop Licensing Tools
  3. Make sure the following role services are enabled: Remote Desktop Services:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing
    2. Remote Desktop Session Host
  4. Make sure your Server is specified as the Remote Desktop license server in your Group Policies.

After you have verified all the requirements described above:
Go to Server Manager

  1. Run the tools submenu
  2. Choose Terminal Services -> Remote Desktop License Manager
  3. Right click on your server and select “Activate server”
  1. Select your connection method, we recommend you choose “Automatic connection”.
  2. Fill in the required information of your company.
  3. At the end of the wizard, be sure to check the “Start license installation wizard now” option.
  4. In the License Program, select “License Package (Retail Purchase) and click Next.
  5. Apply the key.
  6. Your server should now have the activation status as “Activated”.

For a step-by-step guide to setting up your server, check out this video guide:

Watch video tutorial

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.

2016 Essentials

Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Essentials

  • Procesador de 1,4 gigahertz (GHz) o más rápido de 64 bits (x64) con NX/DEP
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • Dispositivo gráfico DirectX 9 con resolución de 1024×768 Pixeles

Verify that you have a stable Internet connection during installation. Please follow these steps for a successful activation

If you already have a (installed) version of Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Essentials as a download or on USB / DVD, first try activating this version with our product key. Make sure your version of Microsoft Windows matches the Microsoft Windows version of the product key. Otherwise, or in case the installation doesn’t work, continue with point 2.

Download your version of Microsoft Windows Server from the following link:

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Essentials


The ISO file is the version for a permanent installation on a PC

After downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or save it to USB. Once you boot your PC / Laptop with the DVD / Pendrive the installation program will run. Follow the guided steps of the program to complete its installation.

This supplied Microsoft installation includes a 180-day trial. To convert to a full version, run the command:

cmd / Powershell

as administrator:


(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.

2016 Datacenter

Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

  • 1,4 GHz 64-bit CPU or faster with NX/DEP
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • Graphic device with resolution of 1024 × 768 Pixels

Verify that you have a stable Internet connection during installation. Please follow these steps for a successful activation

If you already have a (installed) version of Microsoft Windows Server 2016 as a download or on USB / DVD, first try activating this version with our product key. Make sure your version of Microsoft Windows matches the Microsoft Windows version of the product key. Otherwise, or in case the installation doesn’t work, continue with point 2.

Download your version of Microsoft Windows Server from the following link:

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter


The ISO file is the version for a permanent installation on a PC

After downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or save it to USB. Once you boot your PC / Laptop with the DVD / Pendrive the installation program will run. Follow the guided steps of the program to complete its installation.

This supplied Microsoft installation includes a 180-day trial. To convert to a full version, run the command:


and then in the console, run the command


as administrator run this other command:

Dism /Online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /AcceptEula /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.

2016 Standard

Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard

  • 1,4 GHz 64-bit CPU or faster with NX/DEP
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • Graphic device with resolution of 1024 × 768 Pixels

Verify that you have a stable Internet connection during installation. Please follow these steps for a successful activation

If you already have a (installed) version of Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard as a download or on USB / DVD, first try activating this version with our product key. Make sure your version of Microsoft Windows matches the Microsoft Windows version of the product key. Otherwise, or in case the installation doesn’t work, continue with point 2.

Download your version of Microsoft Windows Server from the following link:

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard


The ISO file is the version for a permanent installation on a PC.

After downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or save it to USB. Once you boot your PC / Laptop with the DVD / Pendrive the installation program will run. Follow the guided steps of the program to complete its installation.

This supplied Microsoft installation includes a 180-day trial. To convert to a full version, run the command:


and then in the console, run the command


as administrator run this other command:

Dism /Online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /AcceptEula /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.


Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 RDS USER CAL

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

The purchased CALs are applicable to all editions of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (Essentials, Standard, Foundation, Datacenter) and backwards compatible with Microsoft Windows Server.

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To activate an RDS CAL, first make sure that the following roles and features are installed and running on your server.

  1. Make sure the following feature is installed: Remote Desktop Services.
  2. 121/5000 Make sure you have the following features installed: Role Administration Tools -> Remote Desktop Services Tools:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser Tool
    2. Remote Desktop Licensing Tools
  3. Make sure the following role services are enabled: Remote Desktop Services:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing
    2. Remote Desktop Session Host
  4. Make sure your Server is specified as the Remote Desktop license server in your Group Policies.

After you have verified all the requirements described above:

  1. Go to Server Manager
  2. Run the tools submenu
  3. Choose Terminal Services -> Remote Desktop License Manager
  4. Right click on your server and select “Activate server”

After you have verified all the requirements described above:

  1. Go to Server Manager
  2. Run the tools submenu
  3. Choose Terminal Services -> Remote Desktop License Manager
  4. Right click on your server and select “Activate server”
  1. Select your connection method, we recommend you choose “Automatic connection”.
  2. Fill in the required information of your company.
  3. At the end of the wizard, be sure to check the “Start license installation wizard now” option.
  4. In the License Program, select “License Package (Retail Purchase) and click Next.
  5. Apply the key.
  6. Your server should now have the activation status as “Activated”.

For a step-by-step guide to setting up your server, check out this video guide:

Watch video tutorial

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.


Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 RDS DEVICE CAL

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
The purchased CALs are applicable to all editions of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (Essentials, Standard, Foundation, Datacenter) and backwards compatible with Microsoft Windows Server.
DEUTSCH Herunterladen
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ESPAÑOL Descarga

To activate an RDS CAL, first make sure that the following roles and features are installed and running on your server.

  1. Make sure the following feature is installed: Remote Desktop Services.
  2. 121/5000 Make sure you have the following features installed: Role Administration Tools -> Remote Desktop Services Tools:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser Tool
    2. Remote Desktop Licensing Tools
  3. Make sure the following role services are enabled: Remote Desktop Services:
    1. Remote Desktop Licensing
    2. Remote Desktop Session Host
  4. Make sure your Server is specified as the Remote Desktop license server in your Group Policies.

After you have verified all the requirements described above:

  1. Go to Server Manager
  2. Run the tools submenu
  3. Choose Terminal Services -> Remote Desktop License Manager
  4. Right click on your server and select “Activate server”
  1. Select your connection method, we recommend you choose “Automatic connection”.
  2. Fill in the required information of your company.
  3. At the end of the wizard, be sure to check the “Start license installation wizard now” option.
  4. In the License Program, select “License Package (Retail Purchase) and click Next.
  5. Apply the key.
  6. Your server should now have the activation status as “Activated”.

For a step-by-step guide to setting up your server, check out this video guide:

Watch video tutorial

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.

2012 R2 Essentials

Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

Verify that you have a stable Internet connection during installation. Please follow these steps for a successful activation

If you already have a (installed) version of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials as a download or on USB / DVD, first try activating this version with our product key. Make sure your version of Microsoft Windows matches the Microsoft Windows version of the product key. Otherwise, or in case the installation doesn’t work, continue with point 2.

Download your version of Microsoft Windows Server from the following link:

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 2012 R2 Essentials


The ISO file is the version for a permanent installation on a PC

After downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or save it to USB. Once you boot your PC / Laptop with the DVD / Pendrive the installation program will run. Follow the guided steps of the program to complete its installation.

This supplied Microsoft installation includes a 180-day trial. To convert to a full version, run the command:

 cmd / Powershell

as administrator:


(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.

2012 R2 Datacenter

Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter

  •  1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

Verify that you have a stable Internet connection during installation. Please follow these steps for a successful activation.

If you already have a (installed) version of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 as a download or on USB / DVD, first try activating this version with our product key. Make sure your version of Microsoft Windows matches the Microsoft Windows version of the product key. Otherwise, or in case the installation doesn’t work, continue with point 2.

Download your version of Microsoft Windows Server from the following link:



The ISO file is the version for a permanent installation on a PC

After downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or save it to USB. Once you boot your PC / Laptop with the DVD / Pendrive the installation program will run. Follow the guided steps of the program to complete its installation.

This supplied Microsoft installation includes a 180-day trial. To convert to a full version, run the command:


and then in the console, run the command


as administrator run this other command:

Dism /Online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /AcceptEula /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.

2012 R2 Standard

Installation guide Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM
  • 60 GB of available hard disk space
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

Verify that you have a stable Internet connection during installation. Please follow these steps for a successful activation

If you already have a (installed) version of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 as a download or on USB / DVD, first try activating this version with our product key. Make sure your version of Microsoft Windows matches the Microsoft Windows version of the product key. Otherwise, or in case the installation doesn’t work, continue with point 2.

Download your version of Microsoft Windows Server from the following link:

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard


The ISO file is the version for a permanent installation on a PC

After downloading, burn the ISO file to DVD or save it to USB. Once you boot your PC / Laptop with the DVD / Pendrive the installation program will run. Follow the guided steps of the program to complete its installation.

This supplied Microsoft installation includes a 180-day trial. To convert to a full version, run the command:


and then in the console, run the command


as administrator run this other command:

Dism /Online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /AcceptEula /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

(Instead of the Xs, enter the product key)

We wish you a successful installation. If you still have problems or questions about the installation, please contact our customer service at any time. We will help you as soon as possible.